2020 Tax Clinic

Feb 11 2020

2020 tax clinicWe will be hosting free income tax clinics starting March 2nd and running to April 30, 2020.  We are offering bookable appointments and drop-off services.  Our hours will be Monday and Wednesday 10 am - 8 pm and Tues and Thurs 9 am - 5 pm. Call or email to schedule a time:  519-579-3800 or tax-clinic@waterlooregion.org. To ensure that your return is completed accurately, please prepare all of the necessary documents as it applies to your situation from the tax clinic check list. Please note that if you are not receiving Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP), we can assist you in applying for it, even if not all the household members have filed taxes. 

Why file an Income Tax Return?

More and more benefits are being distributed through the tax system. You may think as a low-or-zero-income earner that there is no reason to file your income tax return.  However, you may be losing out on hundreds of dollars of benefits or credits that are linked to income tax return completion.   

Such benefits and/or credits include:

  • Climate Action Incentive (all Ontario residents, eligible regardless of income)
  • Ontario Trillium Benefit that includes Ontario Sales Tax Credit, Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, and the Northern Ontario Energy Credit  
  • Ontario and Canada Child Benefit
  • Gdt/HST credit
  • Working Income tax benefit
  • Ontario Senior Homeowners’ property tax grant

Most benefits are paid to eligible individuals on a monthly basis. You have to file a tax return every year in order to receive these funds.  If you do not file a return, no funds will be sent.  A current tax return will also allow you to apply online for the Ontario Electricity Support program.

For more detailed information on the benefits and credits and the way in which they are allocated,  please visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance.

For all low-income households that have not applied for the Ontario Electricity Support credit, we can assist you with the application even if not all household members will be able to file their taxes. A monthly credit would will apply directly to your bill. 

IncomeTaxChecklist2020.pdf56.61 KB