All-Candidate Sessions Provincial Election 2014

May 12 2014

The Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo and its partners are pleased to invite you to the following all-candidates sessions for the June 12th provincial election. These are NOT traditional debates. In a participatory format, candidates will join in round table discussions with community members and will afterwards each be invited to give an individual presentation on the issues raised at table discussions.

It is a great way to connect with the candidates and other residents in your riding on issues such as income security, social assistance, employment and wages, supports to all low-income people for a range of needs and meaningful ways to participate in decision making. Read more about the format of the all-candidate sessions we are organizing with our partners in Kitchener-Waterloo.

Kitchener Centre, hosted with partners in the Poverty Free K-W Action Group, this all candidate session will focus on social and poverty related issues.

Wednesday May 28, 2014
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Mary's Place Community Room
84 Frederick St. Kitchener

Attended d by Daiene Vernille, Margaret Johnston, Ronnie Smith and Wayne Wettlaufer Campaign Team.
See their responses to the issues raised.

Youth Issues, hosted in partnership with The Family Centre and the Waterloo Region Family and Children's Services Youth Advisory Board.

Monday June 2, 2014
6:15 - 8:30 pm
The Family Centre Auditorium
65 Hanson Ave, Kitchener

Attended by Margaret Johnston, Stacey Danckert, David Weber, Wayne Wettflaufer, Daiene Vernile, Tracey Weiler and James Villeneuve.
See their responses to the issues raised.

Kitchener-Waterloo, hosted with partners in the Poverty Free K-W Action Group. This all candidate session will focus on social and poverty related issues.

Thursday June 5, 2014
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
First United Church Waterloo
16 William St West

Attended by Jamie Burton, Tracey Weiler, Catherine Fife, Stacey Danckert

There is a gap between highest and lowest income earners in Ontario which continues to grow. Deep poverty (greater than 40% below median income) and working poor (full year, full time workers earning below the poverty line) exist in our local community but may be less visible because we have a relatively high average income. Decent incomes to ensure people can live healthy lives, have decent jobs and decent futures for our youth are serious issues that our provincial government has a role to address. For some background to these issues visit:

Please RSVP to Maria Frana
Phone 519-579-1096 ext. *3009 or e-mail

Pub Night with the Candidates with FairVote Waterloo Region Chapter

Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 7:00pm
Duke of Wellington Pub at 33 Erb Street West in Waterloo

Do you have some politics you’ve got to get off your chest? All the local candidates for the Ontario election are invited too, so you might have a chance to bend the ear of your local politician or future politician. Have your first candidate meet & greet!

Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce All-Candidates Forums

May 28th – 4:00-6:00 pm – Kitchener City Hall Rotunda – Kitchener Centre

June 2nd – 4:00-6:00 pm – Waterloo Rec Complex – Kitchener Waterloo

June 4th – 4:00-6:00 pm – Woolwich Memorial Centre – Kitchener Conestoga

All Candidates Debate: Environment
Monday, May 26th

Paul Martin Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University
Doors open at 6:30 pm, debate begins at 7:00 pm

Jodi Koberinski, Organic Council of Ontario will moderate the debate, room and logistics sponsored by WLU Department of Geography & Environmental Studies with questions from the aforementioned as well as CREW-WR, Transition KW, Sustainable Waterloo, etc.)

Facebook Event Page
Questions can be submitted to ahead of the debate.

Provincial All Candidates Meeting in Cambridge
May 29 at 6:30pm

The Islamic Centre Of Cambridge
1550 Dunbar Rd Cambridge, ON N1R 8J5

Politics on the Patio with FairVote Waterloo Region Chapter
Friday, 6 June 2014, 7:00pm to 10:00pm iCal
Venue: Solé Restaurant and Wine Bar, Wine Cellar Room
Location: 83 Erb Street, Waterloo, Ontario

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