
Our Joint Work Continues after the Election

Oct 20 2015

Kitchener Centre and Waterloo Meet the Candidates

Enjoy the notes and the videos from 2015 Meet the Candidates session! Read about the many ways in which we can improve lives in our community. People are wise and people care. Be a part of the work we do in social planning, join a group or an event and make sure the conversation continues. 


KW Meet the Candidates 2015

Sep 16 2015

KW Meet the Candidates 2015

As every election, we will be hosting our participatory Meet the Candidates sessions where both the candidates and the community members have an opportunity to get together and talk in an informal atmosphere. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a common ground for people with different perspectives and views to talk about the issues and policy directions that provide decent lives for everyone in our communities.

Take Control of Your Vote on June 12!

Jun 10 2014

"Absolutely take control of our democratic process... The candidates put themselves forward, they made a commitment, they made an offer and we should respect that. Make them work, not for us, but with us all the way through," call to voters made by Trudy Beaulne, the Executive Director of the Social Planning Council, acknowledging that there is disillusionment but that abstaining or refusing a ballot is not the way to go. "Pick the best candidate and the best party for the issues you think you can work with. Don't let your cynicism take control of you." SPC of KW and Poverty Free KW worked hard for the last few months to try and make the issues clearer, so that policy directions make sense. " If no party platform reflect what is important to you, take a look at the candidate and see which will listen. Work together with local organizations, such as the Social Planning Council, and the elected representatives on the things that matter in our community .

Kitchener-Waterloo All Candidates June 5

Jun 9 2014

First United Church was a home of yet another all-candidates session on June 5, a welcoming place for people eager to share more about social issues and for Kitchener-Waterloo riding candidates eager to hear more about the reality of their constituents. We had a privilege to be with four strong women candidates, all with their personal and professional attachment to social policy, education and income security issues. Many of the people with lived experience of struggling with housing, health and inclusion joined round table discussions and tried to listen, understand and respect different points of view. Again we saw the four values at work: equality, legacy for the future, compassion and community of voices.

Read and hear more of what was said at tables and how the candidates responded in their presentations.

Youth IMPACT All-Candidates Session June 2

Jun 5 2014

Youth Impact Session We have had a great youth team take us through the issues that matter on June 2 all-candidates session: child welfare, community infrastructure, neighbourhoods and personal safety, environment, mental health, financial stability and employment. The ages of participants ranged from 16 to 76! Huge thank you to the Family Centre and the Family and Child Services Youth Advisory Board for adding more table topics, for their precious note taking and facilitation, and for stating again that we need to look after the well-being of many generations into the future and that the time to act is now. We had seven candidates with us from three Kitchener ridings and they enjoyed listening and talking about youth and their experience.

We have prepared two fact sheets on youth issues: Education, Employment and Poverty & Independence and Belonging. Please read below the summary of notes taken at round tables and listen carefully to the responses the candidates made after the discussions.

Kitchener Centre All Candidates May28

May 29 2014

poverty free OntarioInnovative! That was the comment heard from candidates at the Kitchener Centre election event hosted by the Social Planning Council and its Poverty Free K-W partners at Mary's Place. This is often the reaction we get when political candidates, instead of being shown to a head table to prepare for the gauntlet of questions to be thrown at them, we invite them to sit with their constituents to discuss important issues in our community. What a difference from the traditional debate. How refreshing! At the Kitchener Centre round tables on May 28th, we talked about income, housing, health, employment, transportation, energy, taxes, public services and meaningful participation. Below, you can read the summary of the discussion that took place at the tables, as well as see the presentations made by the candidates in response to the issues raised.

All-Candidate Sessions Provincial Election 2014

May 12 2014

The Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo and its partners are pleased to invite you to the following all-candidates sessions for the June 12th provincial election. These are NOT traditional debates. In a participatory format, candidates will join in round table discussions with community members and will afterwards each be invited to give an individual presentation on the issues raised at table discussions.

Message to the Candidates in Provincial Elections

May 5 2014

​Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo and its partners in Poverty Free Kitchener-Waterloo have been participating in multiple pre-budget consultations from January to March 2014 and have carefully reviewed the proposed government Budget. We have found that some of the suggestions made by our local and province wide anti-poverty networks have been heard and reflected in the budget proposal:

- Austerity is not to way to provide prosperity and security for Ontarians
- Recognition that investment in social assistance contributes to economic growth
- Income inequality needs to be addressed in Ontario
- Development of the new Poverty Reduction Strategy in partnership with local organizations and local communities

Reduction of poverty for children and adults and the trend of increase in social assistance rates and minimum wage are among the gains in dialogue with MPPs of different political stripes all around the province and we would expect all parties to support these directions.

Youth Political Engagement and Impact Forum

Apr 15 2014

youth and electionsDo you participate in a group for youth 15 years and older? Does your group want to give voice to the issues youth face today and their concerns about how the future will unfold for them? This forum will provide space to talk about what is important to you and others your age: understanding local youth issues, motivating youth in practicing democracy, encouraging youth to raise their issues in upcoming elections, engaging a planning group to organize election activities, be it municipal, provincial or federal. You are welcome Thursday May 1, 2014 6 - 8 pm at the Family Centre Auditorium, 65 Hanson Avenue in Kitchener.