Consultation: Labour Law Changes

Jun 5 2015

Ontario has launched public consultations on the Labour Laws Reform: The Changing Workplace Review. Input from communities and groups will be collected until September 18th. The list of public input sessions will be updated at the Ministry of Labour website

The consultation will consider how the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and Employment Standards Act, 2000 could be updated to best protect workers while supporting businesses in the changing economy.

Join the ongoing conversation in your community or start conversations with people around you! 

Send in your submission to the Ministry of Labour by September 18, 2015:

mail: Changing Workplace Review, ELCPB
         400 University Ave., 12th Floor
         Toronto, ON M7A 1T7
fax:  416-326-7650


Read more from the reports and documents we have compiled below and support the recommendations that speak to you. 

Workers' Action Centre - Still Working on the Edge 2015

Workers' Action Centre - Campaign 15 and Fairness 2015 

Ontario Federation of Labour - Labour Law Reform 2015 

Ontario Federation of Labour - Migrant Workers Bill of Rights 2013

PEPSO - The Precarity Penalty 2015

Law Commission of Ontario - Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work 2012

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - A Higher Standard 2015

Submissions and Presentations 

Worker's Action Centre 15 & Fairness Demands

Ontario Federation of Labour 

UNIFOR, Toronto Consultation 

OCASI Presentation 

Association of Ontario Health Centres 

Peel Regional Labour Council 

Income Security Advocacy Centre