
Eviction Prevention

Eviction Prevention

The Eviction Prevention Peer Support Program at SDC was developed in May 2020 based on our long-time support to tenants through Renters Educating and Networking Together (R.E.N.T.) and the recent studies on evictions and displacement of low to moderate income residents in Waterloo Region. The program is delivered by peers and plays a critical role in homelessness prevention for the most underserved populations, including Black, Indigenous, new immigrant, and LGBTQ+ community members.


Research Projects

SDC has been privileged to partner with local academic groups on meaningful reseach projects that look at homelessness, displacement, and related issues in Waterloo Region. Below you can find links to some of our most recent research projects.

Many Faces of Displacement Study

NEW STUDY: Many Faces of Urban and Rural Displacement 2023
Kingston and District - Oxford County - York Region - Cornwall and Area

in collaboration with the Social Planning Network of Ontario, University of Waterloo,
and Centre for Equity Rights and Accomodation


Displacement in inner suburbsARTICLE: Mapping Displacement Through Lived Experience, December 2022
Brian Doucet, Faryal Diwan, William Turman, Neelu Mehta and Aleksandra Petrovic
Radical Housing Journal, Issue 4.2


Emma McDougall, University of Waterloo
Faryal Diwan, Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
Aleksandra Petrovic, Social Development Centre Waterloo Region
Brian Doucet, University of Waterloo
Martine August, University of Waterloo
September 2022

Map of Displacement 2020 KWINTERACTIVE MAP OF DISPLACEMENT,  December 2020

REPORT: mapping Displacement in Kitchener-Waterloo: REPORT May 2021

CKMS Interview with researchers Faryal Diwan and William Turman 2021

The 'hidden' sides of transit-induced gentrification and displacement along Waterloo Region's LRT corridor, Brian Doucet 2021

Map of Displacement 2020 logos


The views expressed in the map presentation are the views of the Social Development Centre Waterloo Region and do not necessarily reflect those of the Province of Ontario.


Turning Up the Volume of Life Stories of Displacement

LIFE STORIES OF DISPLACEMENT podcast and blogs: 2018- 2019

Oral history, podcast series, recommendations from lived experience group and initiatives, and more... 

The Displacement Mapping project expanded on the 2019 Life Stories of Displacement study, and is funded by the Ontario Job Creation Partnership while being incorporated into a SSHRC-funded project that examines gentrification led by Dr. Brian Doucet. In addition to the 20 interviews collected in 2019, 30 interviews were added in 2020 exploring the impact on racialized, LGBTQ+, Indigenous and immigrant populations.

Experiential knowledge reveals the loss of affordable housing, social and community spaces, stores, neighbourhoods, and personal loss from the past five to ten years. The map also reveals small-scale changes that do not show up in statistics and can only be revealed through an intimate knowledge of place. Explore the urban core of Kitchener-Waterloo through the eyes and words of residents who suffered the loss and are still to find their rightful place in our community.